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Meeting the Moment

April 8, 2020 – The impact of the current pandemic is all around us. We feel it in our gut, we hear it on the news, we see it in our community. The overarching theme of this moment seems to be an apprehension about what is yet to come in these unprecedented times. There is seldom respite from the desire for things to return to normal. But, through it all we can find solace in knowing that we are all in this together.

Over the past few weeks, we at FPH have been so fortunate to witness the widespread kindness, generosity and commitment being extended from one person to another. The call for each of us to step up to support the most vulnerable in our community has been presented, and time and time again the community has shown up, fully committed, meeting this moment head on.

In early March we had to make the tough decision to suspend our traditional rotational shelter program. From that moment until now, we have creatively developed new approaches to shelter and have increased our capacity to support families in our community who are experiencing a housing crisis.

We are warmed by the ways that our community partners, donors, staff, government and volunteers have extended resources, energy, information, man-power and their voices to care for one another. We’ve been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support we have received as illustrated in the following message:

If you need more volunteers, count me in. I believe we can do this. I believe Family Promise is an outstanding program in supporting homeless families in Hawaii. Our supporting Family Promise is a form of selfless giving and we should continue supporting it.

Unfortunately, the need for FPH’s services are increasing. In fact, we are experiencing a 400% spike in requests for help. So we continue to need the support of our collective community in the days, weeks and months ahead.

Ways to Help

Emergency Rental Assistance Fund: Many families are in need of financial assistance to help cover their housing costs. We are continuing to build our Emergency Rental Assistance Fund and ask that you donate! If you know of a family in need of help, have them call (808) 466-4243.

Wishlist: Check out our wishlist! Donated items can be dropped off at our Honolulu office Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm. Please call the office prior to arrival (808) 466-4243.

Connect: To keep up with all things FPH follow us on social media!

Our Impact since COVID-19 began...

9 temporary housing units secured: to shelter especially vulnerable families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

23 families: have moved into long-term, stable housing.

27 parents and children: Prevented from falling into homelessness through the Emergency Rental Assistance Fund.

Fourteen families have utilized our Honolulu Day Center to grab meals, shower, use the internet and access hygiene products.

We’ve also successfully advocated for a more robust and proactive community approach to addressing the needs of Hawaii’s homeless population during COVID-19 including re-opening public restroom facilities so folks living in their cars and outdoors can access water and hygiene, establishing a testing site exclusively for the homeless, and a moratorium on sweeps of homeless encampments.

We are so grateful for all the support that has been given and humbly ask that you all continue to do so. We wish each of you good health and high spirits in this time and beyond. 

It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed.  – Doe Zantamat

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