
In March, we announced our participation in the Oahu Housing Now (OHN) program, an initiative with a big goal of rehousing 300-350 households experiencing homelessness over an 18-month period. The program is a collaborative effort between the City of Honolulu, local service providers, and the philanthropic community working together to leverage CARES Act funds to accomplish this goal. The program uses a Rapid Rehousing approach which provides short-term rental assistance and supportive services to aid people in obtaining residence quickly, increasing self-sufficiency, and maintaining housing. Our team of six case managers working on this program has assist with housing navigation, case management, and supportive services for the households they serve.
Although the program is certainly not without challenges, with the work of all the agencies partnered on this program, 83 households have been housed so far! One client who received assistance through the OHN program said that when they first entered the program, they were “both exhausted and ready for [their] current nightmare to be over.” Their designated case manager worked diligently and soon had an opportunity for the client to move into an apartment. The client wrote in saying that she and her son “were no longer homeless, or hopeless” due to the opportunities provided through OHN. So, although the OHN program has an audacious goal, the partners on this project are working incredibly hard to help the community get the assistance it needs.
The Gift of Computer Access

In March, we announced our participation in the Oahu Housing Now (OHN) program, an initiative with a big goal of rehousing 300-350 households experiencing homelessness over an 18-month period. The program is a collaborative effort between the City of Honolulu, local service providers, and the philanthropic community working together to leverage CARES Act funds to accomplish this goal. The program uses a Rapid Rehousing approach which provides short-term rental assistance and supportive services to aid people in obtaining residence quickly, increasing self-sufficiency, and maintaining housing. Our team of six case managers working on this program has assist with housing navigation, case management, and supportive services for the households they serve.
Although the program is certainly not without challenges, with the work of all the agencies partnered on this program, 83 households have been housed so far! One client who received assistance through the OHN program said that when they first entered the program, they were “both exhausted and ready for [their] current nightmare to be over.” Their designated case manager worked diligently and soon had an opportunity for the client to move into an apartment. The client wrote in saying that she and her son “were no longer homeless, or hopeless” due to the opportunities provided through OHN. So, although the OHN program has an audacious goal, the partners on this project are working incredibly hard to help the community get the assistance it needs.
Meet the Team
An Interview with Rachel Savereux, Oahu Housing Now Case Manager
The FPH team (staff, volunteers, and board members) is diverse. We value this diversity as one of the strongest factors in our collective success. Drawing upon our range of cultural backgrounds, skills, educational levels, beliefs, and experiences fosters empathy, creativity, and community. In our upcoming newsletters we will be featuring a variety of team members at FPH so you can get to know them a little better.
The FPH team (staff, volunteers, and board members) is diverse. We value this diversity as one of the strongest factors in our collective success. Drawing upon our range of cultural backgrounds, skills, educational levels, beliefs, and experiences fosters empathy, creativity, and community. In our upcoming newsletters we will be featuring a variety of team members at FPH so you can get to know them a little better.
This month, we get to know Rachel.
What brought you to Family Promise?
I was on a journey to seek new opportunities to broaden and advance my scope in the field of Social Work.
Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?
I can make a perfect peacock calling sound! I also make crystal bracelets that I used to sell on Instagram, but now I just usually make them for myself and friends.
What’s something you’re proud of?
Getting my 15lb cat to lose weight! She hovers around 13-14lbs nowadays.
What’s something you find challenging about your work at Family Promise?
The Oahu Housing Now program has rapidly changing requirements for the paperwork as the program shifts. So resubmitting completed tasks with different paper work has been a challenge.
When you are not working, what's your favorite way to relax?
Going to the beach with a friends, setting up my hammock in the shade, bringing a good book to read, crossword puzzle and some good music.