October 7, 2020 - Through funding from the City and County of Honolulu Coronavirus Relief Fund administered by the Hawai‘i Community Foundation, Family Promise of Hawai‘i (FPH) is providing a safety net for homeless and low-income families on O‘ahu.
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, many families are facing housing instability and homelessness. In addition to emergency shelter, FPH offers a variety of housing programs. For families who have lost their housing or who are seeking new housing because they are living in an overcrowded environment, the Re-Housing program can help. Eligible households on O‘ahu will receive help with move-in costs and rental assistance through December.
“This pandemic has presented many challenges for hardworking families who have lost income,” says FPH Executive Director Sam Church. “Too many families are struggling to keep a roof over their heads. The Re-Housing program provides short-term rental assistance and services to ensure families are able to obtain stable housing quickly.”
Eligible households cannot be on a current lease, must be full-time O‘ahu residents, must be experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19, and must be able to sustain rental payments in January 2021. Households are encouraged to have a rental unit identified before reaching out to Family Promise of Hawai‘i for assistance.
To learn more about the re-housing program, visit: https://www.familypromisehawaii.org/rehousing or call (808) 466-4241.
About Family Promise of Hawai‘i
Family Promise of Hawaiʻi envisions an Oʻahu where vulnerable families have equitable access to housing. Founded in 2006 to address family homelessness in Windward Oʻahu, Family Promise has grown to serve nearly 3,200 family members across Oʻahu, the majority of them children. Family Promise provides a holistic solution to family homelessness through prevention, shelter, and stabilization services. For more information, visit www.familypromisehawaii.org.